004477_02Howie Lab Coat – I received this product promptly on the day it was due to arrive, and when I finally opened it and put it on, I marveled at its size and gravitas. Truly, this is a coat that widens the gap between your scientific mind and those of mere mortals. Like a lightning bolt, it makes your wardrobe come alive! This product immensely pleased me and even though it won’t stay clean forever, nothing can stop this lab coat from creating a commanding presence. I got the right size, and the coat reaches down almost to my feet, so be careful to get the right size when you order this so that it doesn’t drag on the ground behind you in an unseemly fashion. You want to look mad, not sloppy. In short, this was an amazing purchase and it probably won’t be around forever, so if you’re thinking of getting one of these coats, get one now, before it’s too late! {Dr. John C., Elizabethtown, KY}

003609_01 Beaded Rose Purse – Champagne – This is perfect to hold my derringer while dressing for an evening out. One never knows when the need to protect oneself from zombies and other dastardly creatures will arise. {Pink, Sequim WA}

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