Western Holster - RH Cross-Draw (Long Barrel) - Black Tooled Leather
Item: 007228
Customer Reviews of our Store
Redondo CO, United States
Excellent Customer Service
Jack CA, United States
Great all around-look forward to doing business with you in the future. Nice selection of a wide variety of men's apparel.
Old R WI, United States
I called before purchasing for advice and you did good.
Maribel Wadsworth MT, United States
A first-time customer, I finally acted on purchasing a sale item, encouraged by other customers' high rating. I was greatly impressed! I wish you had more edwardian styles for women. Maybe the Downton Abbey craze has died down, but Edwardian clothes are so hard to find!!! Please consider restocking choices, including walking suits, tea gowns and evening dress.
Farrel WY, United States
I found the holster very good for my needs. Made a few changes to custom fit my pistol but anything else I saw that would custom fit exactly was much more money. The look and fit worked out well for me.
Ron OK, United States
Great place to do business with...fast shipping and quality item.