I love the selection! As a professional Award winning drummer and 3 time nominated songwriter/producer/background vocalist of Southern Rock, Rock and Electric Blues, my stage wardrobe is Historic Emporium.
Laura B CA, United States
I took a chance with Historical Emporium and I was not disappointed! Organizing the outfits by persona was super helpful for me to find an appropriate blouse for a skirt I already had, as well as for the role I would be playing in an event. The sleeves were about six inches too long, but I washed and dried the blouse to ensure shrinkage. I took tucks in the upper sleeves, and it all worked out perfectly. I will be ordering more!
Anonymous Customer NM, United States
saw the shirts thought I would buy for husband and he loved them.
Felix ME, United States
Fast shipping and high quality!
Freddie D TX, United States
Becca VA, United States
The quality of the coat we ordered was great and the shipping time was very fast, the item was shipped out within hours of ordering it!