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Declan Colfax, Newspaper Editor

As the newly-appointed editor of Southern Spirit of the Day, the first change Declan Colfax made was to switch from a morning to afternoon-only edition. After years of churning out copy on the grave-yard shift, getting a good night’s sleep did wonders in freshening both his point of view (he has a sense of humor! who knew?) and fashion sense -- no more reading between the rumpled, crumpled lines!

Leaving the nitty-gritty of reporting mundane daily events to the staff, Colfax has followed his passion for editorial opinion and humor – readers can nearly hear his Dixie drawl while reading along. Building up a name for himself across the country as a plucky, pleased-to-meet-you journalist, his tongue for satire is surprisingly as sharp as the pencil in his hatband. Never mean-spirited, however; even his most frequent targets, elected officials and local socialites, always keep him at the top of their guest lists.

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