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Toby Greenwell, Coppersmith Apprentice

Extra, extra, read all about it! Hoping to some day have his name emblazoned on the byline, Toby Greenwell is paying his dues in the newspaper business with sweat on his brow and ink on his hands. Hawking the early morning edition under the hissing gas lamps, this spunky self-starter spends the afternoons sharpening his who-what-why-when-where skills in hopes of becoming an ace reporter.

The son of poor Welsh immigrants, Tobias (as his mum calls him) feels a duty to turn over his paltry newsboy earnings to help make ends meet, thereby draining the till for university tuition. But who needs to pay hard-earned money to hear professors pontificate anyway? He has the benefit of a hands-on education, the family’s flat is in the most crime-ridden beat in town.

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