Sorry, but there are too few customer ratings for carpetbags to provide an accurate ranking list. Here are some of our carpetbags, or you can click the button to see our full selection.
I have been thoroughly impressed with everything that I have purchased from Historical Emporium! The one thing I ordered incorrectly, was quickly exchanged for the correct size.
I have yet to purchase anything from Historical Emporium that was exactly as advertised and of great quality!
Chris OR, United States
Overall, the customer service was very good, I did request a larger size, but you guys didn't have it in stock, the salesman told me on the phone that I can try the smaller one. If it doesn't fit, I could always return it. Not knowing that it would cost me another 1295 for shipping. He should've clarified that but overall I am very satisfied.
Leland SC, United States
no problems
Paul K RI, United States
The customer service at Historical Emporium is fantastic. The Items I ordered were sent to me right away.
paul Rudzitis TX, United States
The 1st product you sent was defective, it was missing a grommet. Second one was sent prior to me returning the defective one and I received in in 3 days with a RA attached to return defective one. Everything went smooth.